a Bøøking & management agency
Eclosion Booking
Pensées Nocturnes

Pensées Nocturnes

Black Metal
Pensées Nocturnes is a truly unique entity on the Black Metal scene, and since its inception in 2009, it has been following a winding path that encompasses elements of circus, jazz, musette, tango, and classical music. Despite a difficult and depressive start, PN has retained its tortured and chaotic essence while incorporating more ethereal and occasionally cheerful inspirations. The result is a brutal and disconcerting cocktail of sounds. In 2017, what was initially a solo project for PN evolved into a full-fledged band, performing on prominent French stages such as Hellfest, Motocultor, and Tyrant Fest, among others. This metamorphosis brought their grotesque theater to life, offering a unique spectacle. In 2019, the band released an album dedicated to the circus titled "Grand Guignol Orchestra." Building on their discography, PN presents its 7th opus in 2022, titled "Douce Fange." This new release serves as an invitation to revisit old France with its sordid halls, treacherous alleyways, infamous brothels, and debauched taverns.

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