a Bøøking & management agency
Eclosion Booking


Black Metal
After two full-lengths and two EPs, MOONREICH is set to strike again in September with a new album on Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions. The dark and harsh atmospheres, combined with thundering blast beats and crushing mid-tempo sections that are so characteristic of MOONREICH's music, have evolved and reached even greater heights with this third full-length offering. The album was once again recorded at the renowned Hybreed Studio (known for working with Glorior Belli, Temple Of Baal, Seth…) and mastered by Magnus ‘Devo’ Andersson (noted for his work with Marduk, Funeral Mist, Ofermod…). Through this new release, the band firmly establishes their identity with its captivating and murky atmospheres. This straightforward album is filled with true individuality, undoubtedly propelling MOONREICH to the forefront of the French Black Metal scene.

Aren't they deliciØus?

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