a Bøøking & management agency
Eclosion Booking
Blaze of Sorrow

Blaze of Sorrow

Black Metal
Hailing from Italy, Blaze of Sorrow was born fifteen years ago as a musical vessel to deliver themes of sorrow and self-reflection through nature-inspired black metal, infused with a number of folk influences. Masterminded by multi-instrumentalist Peter, after several demos, they quickly caught the attention of the underground with their self-released debut album 'TL Ultimo Respiro', a record steeped in an ambiance of despair and longing. Since then, the band has continued to refine Blaze of Sorrow's unique approach to atmosphere across a further five full-length albums, skillfully fusing the essence of the night sky and the tranquility of the wilderness with outpourings of pure anguish. Throughout their career, they have successfully distilled their own instantly-recognizable sound to increasingly powerful effect.

Aren't they deliciØus?

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